Would like to recommend to members, the Sculthorpe Moor Nature Reserve,situated 1 mile West of Fakenham, and South side of the A148. Run by the Hawk and Owl trust, open Tues. to Sunday, they have just lost their funding so are making a charge of £3. We found it a delightful place and the natives were very friendly,had allowed ourselves about 3 hours but could very easily have spent longer. Redpoll x5 Willow Tit Chiff Chaff Reed Bunting Brambling x4 LT Tit Bull finch 2xPr Coal Tit Golden Pheasant From one of hides some of the best views of Marsh Harriers we have ever seen. There is a good list of what you can expect to see, if you are in the area it is well worth a visit Mike Surr